Tuesday, August 28, 2007



Just after reading about the violence in Bangladesh I decide to check out an article about the firing of Ward Churchill a Native American history specialist prof at the University of Colorado. He was fired because he wrote a negative and frank comment about 9/11 and this was the response of the of the overwhelming rebulican and biased committee formed to investigate Churchill: his firing would send a “warning to the academic community that politically unpopular dissenters speak out at their own peril.” (World Socialist Web Site).

Because Churchill was protected under consitution to say whatever the fuck he wants the comittee dug up miniscule and insignificant mistakes in his works; such as wrong dates or a faulty citation, these errors make up less than one percent of his work but apparently it was enough to get him fired.

People i can go on forever about hundreds of different injustices that go on just IN THIS COUNTRY off the top of my head. I only hope that through these blurbs and spontaneous fits of rage that you learn something, that you learn to question, and more importantly you learn to learn about the world around you.

Who tha fuck knew that Bangladesh is erupting in violence?

Honestly this is on par with my ignorance to the ongoing Zapatista Revolution in the Chiapas region of Mexico, I really am ashamed that I didn't pick up on this earlier but heres the story (I just read about the riots from the World Socialist Web Site). Apparently in Bangladesh on August 20th in response to the interim governments refusal to hold elections and do away with emergency powers, the rising inflation and the subsequent prisoning of 250,000 people since January some 87,000 students and poor urban led a massive riot against the police.

Now Seriously if anyone else honestly knew that this happened congrats, but to the rest of us WTF!?!?!?! This just goes to show you that conventional media mediums are the most bull shit forms of news in the world as real stories such as this don't get printed. Its all about the governments whole hearty support and spread of ignorance aimed towards the American people, this really bothers me man I mean this seriously is fucking with my head. Something on this scale not getting attention is so absurd I can't even describe through words.

Anyone have any thoughts????

Monday, August 27, 2007

Education, or not . . .

If anyone is reading this please answer this question for me; Do you like the education who are getting (or have recieved)? How engaging was your class?

The reason I am asking this question is that I have recently started reading Teaching to Trangress: Education as the Practive of Freedom by Bell Hooks and just after finishing the intro and chapter 1 my outlook on education and the classroom environment has been completely transformed.

When was the last time an educator really made you think critically instead of having you memorize lines of bullshit to recite off like some fucking robot? Seriously think long and hard about this and you will see how fucked up our educational system has become with this emphasis on these bull shit, cock sucking, mother fucking standarized tests that do not teach students to think critically and if you can't do that why are you even in school? You'd be better of staying home and senselessly masturbating if you complete your education without the ability to critically think about problems and properly analyze the world around you, but more important meditate (or whatever you want to call it) on your own self and any purpose (if any) that you have in this world.

This has taking over my fucking life, seriously it has

I don't know why but I am on a quest to beat this game with a perfect score (hhole in ones on every hole) and until I do I shall not rest . . .

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Getting Started

To be honest its going to be a while before this blog will really get going (if it ever does) but all that I am hoping for is that I will be able to use this blog as a medium through which I can discuss philosophy, current events and share awsome stuff with other people. I don't care what you post, really I don't, as long as you don't spam or troll this site.

Personnel motto: "I don't give a fuck"-Confucius Finn