Monday, August 27, 2007

Education, or not . . .

If anyone is reading this please answer this question for me; Do you like the education who are getting (or have recieved)? How engaging was your class?

The reason I am asking this question is that I have recently started reading Teaching to Trangress: Education as the Practive of Freedom by Bell Hooks and just after finishing the intro and chapter 1 my outlook on education and the classroom environment has been completely transformed.

When was the last time an educator really made you think critically instead of having you memorize lines of bullshit to recite off like some fucking robot? Seriously think long and hard about this and you will see how fucked up our educational system has become with this emphasis on these bull shit, cock sucking, mother fucking standarized tests that do not teach students to think critically and if you can't do that why are you even in school? You'd be better of staying home and senselessly masturbating if you complete your education without the ability to critically think about problems and properly analyze the world around you, but more important meditate (or whatever you want to call it) on your own self and any purpose (if any) that you have in this world.

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