Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Who tha fuck knew that Bangladesh is erupting in violence?

Honestly this is on par with my ignorance to the ongoing Zapatista Revolution in the Chiapas region of Mexico, I really am ashamed that I didn't pick up on this earlier but heres the story (I just read about the riots from the World Socialist Web Site). Apparently in Bangladesh on August 20th in response to the interim governments refusal to hold elections and do away with emergency powers, the rising inflation and the subsequent prisoning of 250,000 people since January some 87,000 students and poor urban led a massive riot against the police.

Now Seriously if anyone else honestly knew that this happened congrats, but to the rest of us WTF!?!?!?! This just goes to show you that conventional media mediums are the most bull shit forms of news in the world as real stories such as this don't get printed. Its all about the governments whole hearty support and spread of ignorance aimed towards the American people, this really bothers me man I mean this seriously is fucking with my head. Something on this scale not getting attention is so absurd I can't even describe through words.

Anyone have any thoughts????

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